About the Journal

Journal for Christian-Jewish Encounter in Context

In times of urgent dialogue between different religions and worldviews, the concern for Christian-Jewish encounter continues to be of particular importance. The renewed Zeitschrift für christlich-jüdische Begegnung im Kontext (ZfBeg) is the successor journal of the traditional Freiburger Rundbrief and is published by the association Freiburger Rundbrief - Arbeitskreis für christlich-jüdische Begegnung e.V.. The chairmen are Prof. Dr. Reinhold Boschki, Tübingen and Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schwendemann, Freiburg im Breisgau.

As an overriding objective, the Journal for Christian-Jewish Encounter in Context aims to promote the relationship and understanding between Christians and Jews, to counter anti-Semitism and racism at all levels, to keep the memory of the Holocaust alive, to deepen the friendship between Christians and Jews, to promote human rights and to open the dialogue to other religions and groups, especially with Muslims. In doing so, it wants to have an impact on churches, theology, religious communities and the social public, especially in the field of education.

ZfBeg is currently published twice a year and will be made available successively Openaccess with a moving wall of one year.

It offers:

- Thematic focal points on current topics of the Christian-Jewish exchange
- In-depth background information at the best scientific level
- Section "Education" with impulses for teaching, congregation, adult education
- Opening to the dialogue with Islam
- Suggestions for the culture of remembrance and commemoration of the Holocaust
- Christian-Jewish Bible reading
- Current short information, travel reports, reviews

...and much more